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Guillaume Tardif is Associate Professor of Violin and serves as String Area Coordinator at the Department of Music, University of Alberta. His current research explores various aspects of the history and practice of the violin, and often features new or neglected works - such as Gallois-Montbrun’s accompanied version of Paganini’s 24 Caprices, which he presented at Carnegie-Weill Hall. Guillaume Tardif has appeared widely as a violin soloist and guest professor, collaborating with ensembles and distinguished artists in Canada, the United States, Europe, Asia, South America, and Australasia. He produced a number of CD recordings, violin arrangements, and cadenzas, and led projects such as the SSHRC-sponsored Genius of the Violin video-documentary and the Dare to Discover Series with the Enterprise Quartet.

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La tradizione violinistica italiana nel ’700
Tartini’s Pupils and the Unaccompanied Violin Duet Repertoire
